Welcome to cnicoletti.neocities.org

Do you remember the Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 home computer? It was my first dive into the amazing world of computers. As a young child, I would stay up late at night writing text and maze adventure games in the BASIC language, and save my code on an old tape recorder. Today, my passion for design and development brings challenges that fuels my continual desire to learn. Email marketing design, animations and responsive development. I love watching design and development evolve and look forward to every new version, enhancement, and framework that it brings. Being a hybrid design/developer brings additional value to any project I have the privilege to work on. Each Tab listing above showcases my coding ability in different forms of design and development:, and more! Current Skills/Interests: Salesforce Marketing Cloud, SalesForce CRM, AMPscript, HTML, CSS, responsive email development, Movable Ink(email development tool), Litmus, Email on Acid, Sublime, Adobe Creative Suite, JIRA, GitHub, CMS Industries worked in: Telecommunications, eCommerce, Marketing, Pharmacuetical, Education, Government, Media, Information Technology, Financial and a host of others.

Corporate Design/Development Portfolio

Click to download my corporate project portfolio in PDF format.